2024年10月22日 星期二

It is so an embarrassing

I got in the MTR train🚇 this morning. A young woman👩 wore a long black dress👗 & a 50-60 years old woman👵 stood near her. A man sat opposite to 2 women & I stood near that man. That man stood up & called the young woman👩 to sit his seat. I & the old woman👵 were surprised😮 because the young woman👩 had no belly. He misunderstood her that she was pregnant. He said sorry to the young woman👩. The young woman👩 had a poke face😒 & turned away from him. It is so an embarrassing.

2024年9月22日 星期日



2024年9月11日 星期三


早排我去荃灣廣場嗰間Apeland室內遊樂場,見到部Roller Ball🎳機械遊戲機,佢勾起我細個嘅開心😄回憶。我細個嗰陣,老豆帶我去出奇老鼠同後來嘅歡樂天地。我鐘意玩嗰部Roller Ball🎳機械遊戲機,鐘意到情度,我用硬卡紙整咗個簡易版本嘅Roller Ball🎳遊戲機,係屋企玩。直到1999年歡樂天地全線執笠,我冇再玩Roller Ball🎳機械遊戲機。 


2024年9月1日 星期日

The city is in decline.

Today, I took a walk in my area. I walked through some streets and entered some shopping malls. The number of vacant stores increased compared to the previous quarter. The city is in decline.

2024年7月31日 星期三

Network issue

Many clients reported that they could not use intranet and internet after their PC and laptop connect to Wi-Fi or LAN in the company last Monday. IT department tried their best to solve these issues.

Yesterday, I arrived at office on 08:00 because I needed to standby on-site.

2024年7月21日 星期日

my holiday canceled because of CrowdStrike's issue

The client laptops were restarted automatically by the Software Centre in the afternoon on 19 July 2024. Many clients called the hotline and our IT team. Their laptops show the blue screen of death. Half hours later, many airports got the same issue in the world, many news platforms reported this issue and CrowdStrike informed to its clients. 1 hour later, CrowdStrike provided the solution to solve this issue.

I felt sad becuase my holiday was canceled on 20 July 2024. I went to desk at the client and followed CrowdStrike's solution to solve this issue.

2024年6月23日 星期日

天氣炎熱,好難受。It was sweltering, I felt so uncomfortable.


2024年4月7日 星期日





早排我去青衣嗰間noba noba室內遊樂場,見到部Roller Ball🎳機械遊戲機,佢勾起我細個嘅開心😄回憶。我細個嗰陣,老豆帶我去出奇老鼠同後來嘅歡樂天地。我鐘意玩嗰部Roller Ball🎳機械遊戲機,鐘意到情度,我用硬卡紙整咗個簡易版本嘅Roller Ball🎳遊戲機,係屋企玩。直到1999年歡樂天地全線執笠,我冇再玩Roller Ball🎳機械遊戲機。

2024年4月5日 星期五



2024年2月18日 星期日



2024年2月3日 星期六

雖然用咗3年嘅第2代iPhone SE重係好順,但係佢好快冇電。

自己曾經用過一啲Andriod電話,例如:三星SIII mini、A5同G8。呢啲Andriod電話用咗2年之後,都會出現空間唔夠嘅情況,後來我改用iPhone。

雖然我部第2代iPhone SE📱用咗3年重係好順,但係佢個電池🔋老化,好快冇電。我只好買電量更大嘅iPhone15📱。

2024年1月26日 星期五



2024年1月14日 星期日




我同老婆都患咗甲型流感,病徵包括:鼻塞、流鼻涕、咳、喉嚨痛、等等。辛苦情度泊得著舊年自己患咗COVID-19 Omicron。我哋睇咗醫生,休息差唔多2個禮拜先至好返。