2019年2月3日 星期日

Taking care to their friends and family members by action.

The Christians were taken care to their friends and family members by action, they shared this experience to us in the past 3 times of worship. I felt touch for this action, and then I understood John 13:34-35 in the Bible.

2019年2月1日 星期五


1/1 接👧下班後,我陪她到深水埗買手機📱mon保護貼。我們吃過晚餐後,到M記,一起玩switch遊戲🎮。(拍拖第177天)

5/1 我們在荃灣吃午餐,跟着我們逛南豐紗廠和📷,然後我陪她到楊屋道街市附近買餸。最後,我送她到🚌🚏,直到她上🚌後,我才離開。(拍拖第181天)