2015年9月3日 星期四

一位南亞裔男仕(the South Asians)


初時,他向我們分享工作上的辛酸和被人讚賞。後來,他花很長時間談及他的家庭 - 他有一個兒子和三個女兒,而最年輕的兩個女兒,分別讀小二和四。他的兒女與妻子和外母同住。



Two days ago, we visited a young man who is the South Asians.

He talked with us and he share his working experience. Then, he talk for his family. He has one son and three daughters. One daughter study in P.4 and the youngest daughter study in P.2. His wife, mother in law, son and daughters live together.

He talk to us about his family for a long time. His family members ignore him when he come back home every time. His mother in law look after his children because his wife work from noon to ten o'clock. He want his wife to look after their children because his mother in law is old and she always talk to his children for his fault. If they lack of money, he will solve the problem.

He is in a good mood after he poured out his troubles. He told that he need to wake up early last day so we left.

(第3次探訪露宿者 The 3rd times visit the homeless)

