2010年7月26日 星期一

Go to Rainbow home the 5th times

Yesterday, I arrived to Rainbow's home at 15:00,First I checked Yetta's laptop and I asked her request. I formatted the C drive and then installed Windows XP. Next, I installed the drivers for the laptop. I asked her to check her laptop. She told me that she needed to use some software. After I installed that software, she checked her laptop again. She said thank you to me.

I opened Rainbow PC case. I used the brush to clean the fans. I moved her PC in her bedroom then I setup her PC. Finially, she turned on her PC to check.




2010年7月24日 星期六

We go to Hong Kong Book Fair

I and Dennis go to Hong Kong Book Fair. First, we go to SPI unit and get some school bag's information for Rainbow's request. Then, we go to the area of e-book. We try to use some E-reader. When we go to other units, we see authors: Wong Yee Hing & JuJu Chan. Finally, We leave there at 20:30.

I try to use these E-readers: Hanvon , Samsung &iPad.

When I use Hanvon & Samsung, I must use the pen. They can show grayscale only and their response is slow. But I use iPad, I only wait 2 secound to open a color e-book. It's response is so quickly.

2010年7月19日 星期一

Activities in Mong Kok

Yesterday, I, Ah Lok, Chain, Phoebe, Rainbow and Yetta were singing K in Neway in Mong Kok. We left Neway at 16:30. Rainbow and Yetta needed to get some information for Hangzhou and Macau trip so we went to some travel agency. Then we went to Argyle Centre for windows shopping.

I went to the Grand Century Place at 17:30. Around 18:00, Grace(SZ) arrived then we ate dinner in Food Court. We talked for our work and our colleagues. We watched The Twilight Saga : Eclipse in  Hall 6 in the Goldenharvest at 19:30. Around 22:00, we left the Grand Century Place.

2010年7月17日 星期六



我們一邊選擇食肆,一邊談笑風生。從而得知,Raionbow因過去的夢,令她害怕面對大海。她不習慣看白畫文,她習慣看廣州語。我們到酒家吃飯。她專心看8卦雜誌,其間她停看雜誌,專心看廚師煮。 而我和Edwin談談醫院之事.吃過晚飯,我們乘小巴回到寶琳

2010年7月9日 星期五


昨晚,我、Edwin & Rainbow到西貢跑步。在Edwin的指導下,我們仔細地拉根,用好的技巧去增加自己跑步的耐力。我斷斷續續地,跑了5個圈和走了2個多圈。幾十分鐘後,我感到臉部和大腿發熱,橫隔膜和胃痛。今次跑步,雖然我比以前更盡力,但是雙腳的肌肉少了酸痛,身體開始適應了。


2010年7月7日 星期三




2010年7月1日 星期四





