2019年11月1日 星期五

The Lord will drive away the darkness

When a sister prayed for me, she saw me in a dark environment, and I was walking with a lamp. The Lord is the sun. The Lord will drive out the darkness. One day, I will see this situation.

2019年10月30日 星期三

iOS 5.1以上版本,快速轉移 iPhone 資料

iOS 5.1 - 10.3.4版本,快速轉移 iPhone 資料
在將新手機開機後,按照畫面指令選擇語言、國家,在點選手動設定 iPhone 後,再經過幾項設定,就會跳到「App 與資料」的頁面,點選從「從 iCloud 備份回復」,輸入你的 Apple ID 和密碼,通過雙重認證後手機就會開始設定 Apple ID 並要求你選擇要回復哪一個 iPhone 備份,選好之後系統就會先跳到主畫面,並同時在背景開始慢慢恢復備份(包含下載照片圖庫裡的照片影片、下載 App)。

We go to Andy's home

I, my girlfriend and Andy couple have lunch, then we go to Andy's home.We share how couples get along and what they need to know about getting along. 

We go windows shopping in PMQ in Central after we leave Andy's home.
(We area couple for 469th day)

2019年7月5日 星期五

Dating in June 2019

👦, 👧, Joey and Winnie celebrated 👧 birthday in advance on 8th June. 👦 gave a gift to 👧, it is a necklace.

We had a dinner in the Syohachi Yakiniku. The food is good taste.(We are a couple for 337th day)

2019年6月2日 星期日

Window shopping in the World-Wide House

I buy a 21 inch collapsible umbrella in the Market Place.

I window shopping in the World-Wide House. There are 3 floors. There are different kinds of shops such as the bank, telecommunication, fashion, store, etc. Most of shops service Philippines people so there are very crowded on Sunday.

Dating in May 2019

5th May
I, my girlfriend👧, Joey and Winnie went to 👧🏠. We played the Nintendo Switch games🎮. We felt happy. (We are a couple for 301th day)

13th May
I and my girlfriend👧 went to the Ocean Park. We saw the animals and played some thrill rides. We felt happy. (We are a couple for 309th day)

2019年5月1日 星期三


接👧下班,之後我們到一間出名的食肆吃晚餐。 食肆佈置如外國火車廂。雖然食品較為昂貴,但是相當😋。 我們一邊吃飯,一邊談話。我了解👧的工作壓力,希望這頓晚餐可以為👧減一減壓。 (拍拖第271天)

在玩具店,見到女朋友選擇買不買茶小熊,而出現的苦惱😩表情,我覺得是意外收穫。😄 (拍拖第273天)

2019年4月5日 星期五

This movie evoke my memory

I and my friend watched the movie - "Captain Marvel" in the cinema last month.

This movie evoke my memory -
Microsoft Windows 95, Intel Pentium CPU, CD-ROM, CRT monitor, 56kbs modem, PNETS fee, Compaq, Packard Bell, etc .



接👧收工。我們一起逛D2 place。當她在市集看見🐶,她感到😃。之後,我們逛始創中心。到元朗冰室吃晚餐。談論自己守望別人的難處。(拍拖第244天)

2019年3月2日 星期六


2/2 下午2時,我們帶棉花糖🐕一起遠足。我們一邊談話,一邊走路。棉花糖🐕到了中年,體能下降,因此👧須要常常抱🐶。下山後,她送棉花糖🐕回家。我們由青衣出發到維園逛年宵。晚上,我們吃泰國菜(拍拖第209天)

6/2  👧到我家拜年,遇見表舅父和表舅母。跟着,我帶她參觀我的家。約17:30,我和👧到元朗逛商場,陪她買新波鞋和📷💑。之後,我們回家一起食晚餐。最後,我送她到🚌🚏。(拍拖第213天)

2019年2月3日 星期日

Taking care to their friends and family members by action.

The Christians were taken care to their friends and family members by action, they shared this experience to us in the past 3 times of worship. I felt touch for this action, and then I understood John 13:34-35 in the Bible.

2019年2月1日 星期五


1/1 接👧下班後,我陪她到深水埗買手機📱mon保護貼。我們吃過晚餐後,到M記,一起玩switch遊戲🎮。(拍拖第177天)

5/1 我們在荃灣吃午餐,跟着我們逛南豐紗廠和📷,然後我陪她到楊屋道街市附近買餸。最後,我送她到🚌🚏,直到她上🚌後,我才離開。(拍拖第181天)