2018年6月28日 星期四


近期,我閱讀了這本書 –《一雙手握成拳頭捱下去》,令我知道香港有一群貧窮人,當中有單親家庭、長者、被歧視的人,等等。他們每日為微薄的收入,努力生活。


2018年6月23日 星期六

I was deeply influenced by these exhibitions

A few days ago, I visited the exhibition at Mei Ho House and B.A.M.S.-Build A Music School.

Every child take a 17 inches suitcase only when he or she leave the orphanage. I was deeply influenced by these exhibitions. I reflected myself that I was happiness.😊 It made me determined to throw away useless books and debris in stages because I have too many things 😨. When I discarded the useless things, I found out that I collected a lot of things😨.

2018年6月3日 星期日

After her worries has disappeared

I, Candy and the watchmen had a meal and talked together last Sunday. I and she can talk about everything after her worries has disappeared.